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Hotels near Arizona State University

Find & Book Hotels near Arizona State University

Discover comfortable and convenient stays near Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe, Arizona, with Sonesta. From affordable extended stays to resort experiences, our hotels near ASU are designed to delight any kind of traveler. Explore our list of featured hotels to find the right location, rates, and amenities for your visit to ASU or your Tempe adventure.

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Featured Hotels Near Arizona State University

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Sonesta Simply Suites Phoenix Tempe

Located 2 miles from ASU Gammage Auditorium

Suites with Fully Equipped Kitchenettes

Outdoor Pool with Hot Tub

Popular Hotel
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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs About Hotels near Arizona State University

Our hotels near Arizona State University provide outdoor amenities such as pools, BBQ areas, and sports courts, where you can relax and unwind. 

Yes, all Sonesta hotels near Arizona State University offer convenient on-site parking options for guests.

Please note that amenities and their availability may change. Visit the hotel page or contact our friendly staff for the complete list of the available amenities.

Most of our hotels near ASU are an excellent choice for group travel, offering spacious suites and special rates. 

If you are looking for an affordable, group-friendly stay close to ASU, we recommend:  

Take a refreshing dip or lounge by the poolside at: 

Please note that amenities and their availability may change. Visit the hotel page or contact our friendly staff for the complete list of the available amenities.

Sonesta hotels are pet friendly and look forward to hosting your furry friend. Please visit the hotel pages to review the hotel’s individual pet policy and fees before booking your stay.

For more information about pet-friendly stays at Sonesta, visit our corporate Pets Are Welcome at Sonesta (PAWS) policy.

There is plenty to see in and around Tempe, the home of Arizona State University. 

Visit the Tempe Town Lake, Mill Avenue District, Desert Botanical Garden, or Papago Park for outdoor activities and stunning natural scenery. 

Our knowledgeable staff at Sonesta hotels will be happy to provide more information and assist you in planning your local exploration. 

Book your stay at one of our Sonesta hotels near Arizona State University today and enjoy easy access to Tempe’s top attractions.